IS The Outsmart Overeating Course
for you?

The Outsmart Overeating Course is a not your typical weight loss 'plan'.

You will learn how your brain and mind influence your weight loss efforts.

You will have real life practical tools and resources that have worked for women
in their 30's to their 80's who lost their excess weight
 (yes, post menopause and 'sluggish' metabolism)
 kept it off during a pandemic and through other significant life stressors

But it's not for everyone.
You need to have some interest in the mind/body connection.
Be a little interested in the science that fuels weight loss.

Nourish With Grace is created for women who have previously lost weight,
have general knowledge about best nutritional, health and wellness practices,
and want to learn how to maintain weight loss with confidence and ease.

IS for you 

You have lost weight through diet and deprivation only to regain it.
 You are now ready to lose it for the last time without counting, measuring or eating food you don't enjoy.

You are frustrated or embarrassed that you haven’t figured out how to keep excess weight off even though you have tried 'everything'.

You are sick and tired of the constant mental chatter about your weight, what foods you eat, and the accompanying self-judgement. 

You have been successful in many areas of your life yet haven't been able to maintain a healthy relationship with food or your body.

Outsmart Overeating
Is NOT  For you

You prefer to weigh and measure your food, count calories, points, macros or carbs or need a list of off limit foods. 

You believe you need a detox, cleanse or restrictive plan to be successful.

Now isn’t the time for you to prioritize or focus your efforts on creating a healthy mind and body.

You’d rather have specially prepared meals, shakes, bars or juices.

You don't know a lot about nutrition or healthy foods and would prefer to work with a nutritionist, medical professional or diet coach.

Click to watch an oldie but goodie-

I recorded this video when I first taught Outsmart Overeating  and I'm grateful it holds up!

The tools have been updated, the research is current and the passion is still very much present.
I'd love to be your guide and support  your journey.