Outsmart Overeating Foundations 2; Oct 28-Nov 18

Building on Foundations 1, learn how to manage self-sabotage, the self-critic, and tame emotional eating.

Foundations 2 is about doing more of the internal work necessary for lasting change.
We explore how to keep going when our motivation wanes and our  familiar habits return, because they usually do.

Learn the science of habits and the powerful cycle of change. Emotional eating and how to deal with stress caps off four weeks in this transformational course.

 "It's been fun to challenge myself to stick with my goals.
Being in the group has become  a priority for me, and it's been enjoyable to experience some change in my habits. Your insights about the brain are really interesting and it makes me want to apply the information to different areas of my life."  S.C.

 "I really didn't appreciate or understand how impactful this course was until several wees after I completed it and I realized that I had made a significant shift in my relationship with food. It all feels so natural now. "   L.O. 

 "Alicia has a great presence and I find her fun, funny, and inspirational.
With her wealth of knowledge and breadth of experience I expect she should share this 
program with the planet."    Yolanda

A note to you, especially if you are wondering if you are ready for Foundations 2.

If you experimented with some new tools, tried a few new ways to think  or found support for your goals in Foundations 1, you are ready for Foundations 2.

If you didn't make Foundations 1 a priority, didn't attend the lives, or haven't watched replays past week 1, save yourself some frustration and wait until you have yourself a base.
I know that feeling of wanting change to happen yesterday or after having one 'good' week expecting a full turn around.
You and I both know it doesn't happen that way.

If you are familiar with the 5 foundations and have brought them into your life, however imperfectly, Foundations 2 is a great place to continue your journey.

If you have any questions, be in touch and be I'd be happy to help your discernment.

Got questions? I'm here to help. 

Course Summary

  Nourish with Grace

Outsmart Overeating Foundations 2 Course

This course continues to teach you how to shift your thinking and beliefs so your actions mirror your values.
We delve deeper into habits, the brain science and cycle of change and the real life approach to stress.
You will learn essential weight-loss fundamentals like:

• The 3 C's of Habit change
• A simple yet effective formula to finally figure out how to stop emotionally eating
• working with self-sabotage
• turning down the volume of the self-critic
• how to make your beliefs support your new commitments and lifestyle

You will learn a lot about how your brain helps and hinders your efforts.
Learn how to rebuild trust with your body and reconnect with your spirit.

We meet live on Zoom, Mondays at 12pm Pacific Time.
Every live class is recorded and available to you the same day.

 You receive weekly printables, focused action steps and between-class support.

Replay is on-demand; video, audio and slide presentation.

You will learn tools, techniques and ideas that have been tried and proven to work for women like you.  
You will be in private community of women on a similar journey,
who understand and share similar challenges.

You will be encouraged to keep your promises to yourself.
Get support  for real and lasting change.

It's never too late and now is the perfect time.

Alicia Grace

What do you get when you cross a credentialed counselor, a seasoned minister and a joyful brain geek? Me. 

After years of having success in most areas of my life, I was fed up and embarrassed that I couldn't figure out how to have a healthy relationship with food and my body. I was determined to figure it out in a way that I could live (and eat) the rest of my life.

I've lost the extra 55 lbs and am confident, it's off for good. 

It's been a couple of years and even through the pandemic, family health issues, and significant professional transitions, it has STAYED off.

I feel free in ways I had only imagined. 

This is why I am committed to sharing what I've learned with women; how to release years of diet mentality and self-judgement and live a life that you dream of. 

I use what I know: how to change our mind for good by using and teaching accessible brain science, how to meet ourselves with compassion and learn to keep commitments to ourselves, our goals and our dreams through the use of developing habits that will serve a lifetime. 

 I meet you at the crossroads of mind, body, spirit. 

I can't wait for you to learn to love your body and be proud to call it home.

With a big dose of laughter, occasional irreverence, and the belief in you (even when you don't yet), I'll be honored to support your journey. 


     " I love food. I love to cook and I love to eat. I've tried different diets - Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Noom - but when I tired of restrictive practices, I always put the weight back on - and then some. I couldn't exercise due to a back condition but with this program, not only did I lose 10 lbs. in 10 weeks but I really enjoyed doing it. How great is that!?"
     " Alicia knows her stuff and she's passionate about what she does. She is a brilliant guide and mentor - knows how to listen and always responds with helpful insights and suggestions. I learnt a lot during this program and feel so much more empowered around my behavior and attitude towards food. I love to cook and to eat but I no longer overeat. I love my slimmer self and I'm totally confident that I'm going to stay fitter and healthier. This is an amazing program!"

Outsmart Overeating Foundations 2

Four week  Course 

•  4 weeks of live Zoom classes

•  Video, audio, slide recordings with unlimited access during the   course

• Weekly Printable tools to help track your progress and change

•  Live group coaching calls...
 you won't wonder if you are 'doing it right', we get all your speed bumps figured out

•  Email Support and guidance between classes

•  Access to private women's community for inspiration and motivation. You will not be going it alone.

•  Invitation for continued support in private membership to keep your progress going.

Course Curriculum