Nourish with Grace
 a non-restrictive diet, body-positive approach to weight-loss for women

Make this Summer the year
you love the skin you are in!

Join me for our annual
Summer Success Workshop

Find out more and enroll below

 I'm delighted that you are here!

Are you ready and wanting to create a healthy relationship between your mind, your body and your spirit...
a relationship that has food in its rightful place as you follow through on what is truly important to you....

As a woman who has tried a lot of approaches,
 are you in search of intelligent, empowering resources and a supportive community?

 I would be honored to be your guide.

Outsmart Overeating for Good
Outsmart Overeating 8 week course

Next session in September  

No amount of self-criticism or fad diets will keep the weight off permanently.  
You probably already know that.

Try an effective mind-body-spirit approach that is grounded in science and heart centered.

Feet on the ground, head and heart aligned.

Live and engaging weekly Zoom classes.

  • You will receive clear ideas and suggestions to create a healthy relationship with food.
  • Learn new ways to reconnect with your body, leaving you feeling confident and successful.
  • We will explore aspects of brain science, deepen emotional skills, and apply practical tools for sustained weight loss.
  • You receive weekly printables to help you create and anchor your new habits.
  • You will have a private group of supportive women offering accountability and encouragement.

Equipped with a plan, resources and support, significant change is possible for you.

It's never too late and you are never too old.

Outsmart Overeating Course
 Begins September, 2024  

I would love to have you join me for this 18th (!) time I have facilitated this course.  
I love sharing what works and saving you from chasing after one more diet that will fail you.  

Choose this year to make yourself a priority.  

Have you ever wondered how you can be successful in other areas of your life and yet, can't figure out the whole healthy weight and body relationship?

I know how diets work and then don't, having gained and regained 55 lbs. (or more) five times.
Frustrated, overwhelmed and dispirited, I'd had enough.

Drawing from my experience as a counselor and applying effective brain and behavior change tools to my personal battle with weight, I discovered a newfound freedom.

 I've learned how to guide women by sharing skills that work and teaching the 'why' behind the how.

Yes, I want you to lose excess weight, and I'm also invested in you living your life free from body shame and toxic diet mentality. 

I want to share with you how to live in maintenance with relative ease
and how to manage the fear of regaining it all back.

I'd love to be your guide back to your true self.

For eight weeks we will explore aspects of brain science, emotional skills, and practical tools for sustained weight loss.

You will have a supportive and kind group of women on a similar journey.
This is not a deprivation diet program-they don't work long term. Learn how to rebuild trust with your body as a partner for the life you want to live

You will learn essential weight-loss fundamentals like:

  •  4 types of hunger ...why they matter and what to do
  •  3 aspects of satiety...and what's probably missing for you
  •  How to manage your type of self-sabotage
  •  How to  handle your self-critical chatter
  •  What make habits stick and what doesn't
  •  How your brain helps or hinders reaching your goals.  
  • We meet weekly (Monday at 12 PT) in a private Zoom class. 
  • Sessions are recorded. 
  • Watch or work on your own schedule. 
  • You will receive weekly printables tools to help you make real changes. 
  • You will learn the science, techniques and ideas that have been tried and proven to work. 
  • You will be in a private group that understands, encourages you, and helps you keep your promises to yourself. 

  • It's smart, it works, and you will learn new approaches that could change your life.
  • I'd love to have you join me,  Dr. Alicia Grace: weight loss and wellness educator, counselor, and minister and happy weight maintainer for the course I created: Outsmart Overeating Course 
  • We begin in September for 8 weeks of LIVE teaching, 
  • 8 weeks to make new habits stick! 
  • Reach out if you’d like before enrolling. 
  • Join Hundreds of women have turned their wishing and hoping into doing and being.
"It was exactly what I needed right now
 — I found the tools of coping and planning to be so helpful in a couple of areas that I am struggling with.  
Loved the brain / science information, too!"
"I loved how I benefited in other ways of my life.
Setting goals, meditation;
 I now do yoga because I am lighter and can plank so much easier”
"I want to thank you again for everything.
I  have maintained a weight I haven’t reached but once before (and only briefly) and I am two pounds from my 'stretch' goal.
 I got SO MUCH out of your class.
 I feel so good about my size.
Thank you so much for everything . . ."

Community of Care

The Nourish with Grace community is a safe and supportive group of women who share similar challenges.
We are body positive and focus on health and vitality, not conforming to a narrow societal interpretation for one's body size.
All who identify as women are warmly welcomed.
Outsmart Graduates are invited to join Membership for continued motivation and maintenance support.

Learn At Your Own Pace

If you miss a live class, replays and worksheets are easy to access.
Replays include the full video class, presentation slides and audio only option-to listen to while on the go.
No limits on the number of times you can view videos.
You will have continued access to your course for a month after the live course ends.