Summer Success Workshop

Practical strategies for a summer that supports our goals while enjoying the season the way we want to.

Workshop Summary

1. Learn how to enjoy a summer while supporting your weight loss goals.

2. Using research based approaches, you will have tools for a successful summer.

3. We'll cover challenges like:
 last minute social invites, travel, navigating family favorites and special 'summer' foods.

4. Realistic and practical approaches to savoring summer fun while still meeting weight loss and self-care goals. 

 I've created a workshop for you that will support you in creating a successful summer, on your terms. 

This workshop meets you where you are while focusing on where you want to be.

Welcome autumn feeling proud of yourself.  

  • Unlimited Video and Audio Replay
  • Printable Summer Strategy Guide
  • Special Summer Event Plan
  • Extra Resources to support your successful summer

Course Curriculum


What do you get when you cross a credentialed counselor, a seasoned minister and a joyful brain geek? Me. 

After years of having success in most areas of my life, I was fed up and embarrassed that I couldn't figure out how to have a healthy relationship with food and my body. I was determined to figure it out in a way that I could live (and eat) the rest of my life.

I've lost the extra 55 lbs and am confident, it's off for good. 

It's been a couple of years and even through the pandemic, family health issues, and significant professional transitions, it has STAYED off.

I feel free in ways I had only imagined. 

This is why I am committed to sharing what I've learned with women; how to release years of diet mentality and self-judgement and live a life that you dream of. 

I use what I know: how to change our mind for good by using and teaching accessible brain science, how to meet ourselves with compassion and learn to keep commitments to ourselves, our goals and our dreams through the use of developing habits that will serve a lifetime. 

 I meet you at the crossroads of mind, body, spirit. 

I can't wait for you to learn to love your body and be proud to call it home.

With a big dose of laughter, occasional irreverence, and the belief in you (even when you don't yet), I'll be honored to support your journey. 

"I’m continually amazed at all of the wisdom, tips and good science you are delivering in this course—
Thank You."

course participant

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Summer Success Workshop

$29 USD

    • Research supported Tools and Resources
    • Realistic and practical approaches that work for your summer
    • Learn how to navigate sticky summer situations; travel, social food
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